Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 1 120 Degree Ceramic Fan Temperature Sensor (EC-001) +$154.99
QTY: 3 Domestic Power Cord (EC-042) +$138.59
QTY: 5 Door Gasket [7 ft per package] (EF-168) +$148.53
QTY: 6 Leg - Painted [4 per unit, each sold separately] (EFW-253) +$87.98
QTY: 6A Leg - Gold [4 per unit, each sold separately] (EFW-254) +$Call to Order
QTY: 6B Leg - Nickel [4 per unit, each sold separately] (EFW-255) +$Call to Order
QTY: 7 Fan Kit (EFW-261) +$304.29
QTY: 7A Convection Blower - 115V (EC-069) +$530.1
QTY: 8 Glass with Gasket (10-000) +$391.3
QTY: 9 Damper Spring Handle - Brass (EF-191) *No Longer Available* [can sub Nickel Handle 10-005] +$*0.00*
QTY: 9A Damper Spring Handle - Nickel (10-005) +$133.62
QTY: 10 Door Spring Handle - Brass (10-006) +$Call to Order
QTY: 10A Door Spring Handle - Nickel (10-007) +$145.22
QTY: 11 Leg Set with Ash Drawer - Nickel (50-979) +$529.92
QTY: 11A Leg Set with Ash Drawer - Gold (50-980) +$529.92
QTY: 11B Leg Set with Ash Drawer - Painted (50-981) +$423.32
QTY: 11C Leg Kit with Ash Drawer - Brushed Nickel (50-1470) +$Call to Order
QTY: 12 Pedestal - Painted (50-982) +$170.78
QTY: 15 Painted Cast Door with Handle (50-2897) +$582.13
QTY: 15A Gold Door with Handle (50-2898) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15B Nickel Door with Handle (50-2899) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15C Painted Door with Nickel Trim and Handle (50-2904) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 15D Painted Door with Gold Trim and Handle (50-2903) *No Longer Available* +$*0.00*
QTY: 16 Owners Manual [hard copy] [50-2920] (OMHC-E) +$9.99
QTY: 16A Owners Manual [electronic copy] [50-2920] (OMEL-E) +$0.00
QTY: 17 Heat Efficiency Shield (50-1088) +$189.41
QTY: 18 Front Secondary Air Tube A (50-1099) +$115.39
QTY: 21 Rear Secondary Air Tube E (50-1102) +$178.82
QTY: 22 Middle Secondary Air Tube D (50-1103) +$178.82
QTY: 23 Pumice Brick - 3 X 9 inches [each] (50-1104) +$68.45
QTY: 24 Pumice Brick - 4 1/2 X 9 inches [each] (50-1105) +$68.45
QTY: 25 Pumice Brick - 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 inches [each] (50-1106) +$68.45
QTY: 26 Cast Ash Plug (50-1120) +$145.22
QTY: 27 Door Handle Kit [includes: Rod, Cast Latch, Brass Spring] (50-1121) +$135.09
QTY: 27A Cast Latch (50-1381) +$148.53
QTY: 28 Wood Door Glass Retainer Kit with Screws (50-1122) +$145.22
QTY: 29 Flat Top Left Side Cabinet (50-1123) +$289.65
QTY: 30 Flat Top Right Side Cabinet (50-1124) +$289.65
QTY: 31 Step Top Left Side Cabinet (50-1125) +$289.65
QTY: 32 Step Top Right Side Cabinet (50-1126) +$289.65
QTY: 37 Leg Kit Ash Drawer (50-1131) +$318.24
QTY: 38 Leg Kit Ash Drawer Box (50-1132) +$318.24
QTY: 40 Leg Kit Adapter Plate (50-1134) +$Call to Order
QTY: 42 Pedestal Kit Ash Drawer (50-1136) +$318.24
QTY: 43 Left Shield (50-1144) +$224.88
QTY: 44 Right Shield (50-1145) +$224.88
QTY: 45 C-Cast Ceramic Baffle (50-1146) +$259.82
QTY: 50 Door Hinge Pin Cap [set of 2] (50-1815) +$123.68
QTY: 51 Wood Handle with Hardware (50-2909) +$169.28
Item Description (Part Number)
QTY: 52 Fresh Air Kit (EF-186) +$85.91
QTY: 53 Enviro Logo Gel Decal (50-322) +$133.62